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I beat the game with 3058 points the first time I played it! :)

I created a kill farm, and finished the game.




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yo how yall do that

i do not know why but mine's this









this game is fire


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if i download i cant play

(1 edit)

cool game

Or armor dropped by bosses that give you hearts

Or ghost knights

You should add Dragon bosses 


I watch all yur vids

try a tree base

add a meele weapon that has high damage but is super slow (a sword pehapes)


i agree

you should have a ghost town in the game

Can you make a mac version

About the comment below I left, here you go. I will probably delete the link soon so get it fast, also if you want the other games I might let those loose. It encludes V2 (Ghost and lava monsters) and V3 (Boss fight addition) Installation instructions, controls and EVERYTHING you need is in there! Don't give a sweat!'t_Survive_Pack

This hasn't been updated in so long and it's pretty dead, I mean this version of the game STINKS and I mean it, I might leak a newer version just a heads up.

easy to chees

im sad


maybe its because im using a chromebook 

Deleted 34 days ago

can someone help me


i dont knew how to get on the game 

me to


put your pc in microwave to download


not recommended  for chrome book users, almost impossible since both click sides depending I think both acts like right-click

how would you even run the game on chromebook?

(1 edit)

Is This Game For Linux Too?

Edit: No. Can You Make It For Linux?

just some suggestions if you actually update it 

maybe bring back the ghost and magma enemy's that you originally planned to put in the game, the ghost would *probably* destroy campers maybe magma too if it doesn't get destroyed by walls

enemy suggestions

bomb zombie- similar to your game "captain explosion" this guy runs towards the player then blows itself up, probably would to 2 hearts and a half of damage also could blow up wood and cobblestone

Shield zombie- this guy doesn't really have extra health instead he got a shield which you cant just break with your gun you have to hit from another angle this would kind of be impossible because zombies constantly face the player soo just make this zombie turn slower (if you can program that in)

Grenade skeleton- same thing as bomb zombie but faster does more damage (so insta kills you basically) and actually *survives* the blast (on 1 hp) then he turns into a normal skeleton

cold ghost- this is probably gonna be an NIGHTMARE to campers (and normal players too) first it passes through walls and freezes you when you touch them.

poltergeist- another ghost enemy, this guy straight up breaks the blocks it passes through for more enemy's to come in and they steal some of your blocks when they attack you

homing rocket skeleton- shoots homing rockets. and destroys blocks

social anxiety baby zombie- this baby is a nightmare for zombie killers because its self-destruct size and damage depends on the more zombies are around you

judgement ghost-if you add boss rounds this could be a boss enemy maybe one of the later ones basically it does more damage the higher score you have

0-IQ  zombie- this is a joke enemy who uh doesn't have any artificial intelligence and just stands there (not a reference to

300-IQ zombie- another joke enemy maybe the final boss lol when you get close to him an image of a nerd pops up and u die

i have a lot more ideas but i cant share them all in this comment so yeah

Why no work I can't playHow play?

I made a tree base lol

won't let me play

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

why can't I open the file

Why I can't download it?

Sometimes you need to download the games from and not from the app idk why This is from where you need to open it

love this also watched you make it and thought to myself, man i wish i could play this. so i got on my computer and looked up the video, clicked the link, and played. for 4 hours. and died a few times on the way


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